Linux Mint 1.26, Dell XPS 13 9305
Wise and worldly Forum members, I used to be a long-time and satisfied user of LibreOffice Writer until something like 6-7 weeks ago, when my Hungarian diacritical letters (á, é, ő, ú, ó, ű) went haywire. The problem is intermittent, and I can’t find a pattern as to when it happens but it does quite regularly. It creates a huge nuisance and reduces word file editing functionalities to zero. I switch between two keyboard layouts, Hungarian and Romanian.
- When typing in Writer, the keys assigned to these Hungarian letters sometimes act as Ctrl + v, pasting the content of the clipboard. When this happens, they still work normally in other applications or other Writer files.
- They sometimes act as Backspace.
- They sometimes set random chunks of text in the same paragraph in bold and remove some spaces between words.
- The Win key, which I used in combination with Space for switching between layouts, consistently takes on the function of the Insert key, switching to overwrite mode. But this is the least of my issues.
The issue is specific to LibreOffice, typing works smoothly in other applications. The language set for the text has some effect but does not stop it. When it first appeared, I still had POP!_OS on this laptop, and both OSs have reported that the drivers are up to date (maybe updating the kernel in Linux Mint would help).