The LanguageTool extension can’t handle large documents! I have a 400+ page document that has no red, blue, or green LT squiggles on it anywhere, and I can’t seem to get it to work. I have gotten it to work on shorter documents, and if I open them right now in their current state, the squiggles appear there. I tried removing the cache folder from the app data to see if that might help (it didn’t); I also set it to “Text Check” rather than “Paragraph Check” mode because I read somewhere that that might help (it didn’t!). I also have it set to use multiple cores since this is apparently a fairly labor-intensive process. No dice.
I did at one point get a javascript error message, which I can’t reproduce at the moment, but if it reappears, I’ll edit this post to include a screenshot.
I realize that LanguageTool is no longer supported, but when I tried its successor, WritingTool, I had some difficulties with it, and so I “downgraded” to LT (EDIT: version 6.4). It looks like WritingTool has been updated since I last tried it, so maybe switching back to that might work . . .
Anyway, that’s the state of play, any suggestions on how I might be able to get LT to work would be much appreciated!
EDIT: I’ve also noticed that LT isn’t checking words in a certain font, in this case “Courier Prime,” which is installed on my system (Using Linux Mint 22.1, btw). I set Courier Prime as the default font in LO options, and embedded the font in the document, but no luck. When I cut and “pasted special>unformatted text” some sample Courier text into another document with a different font, the squiggles returned! What gives?