I’m trying to make a leaderboard in LibreOffice calc, but i’ve encountered a problem.
The formula I use to check in which place someone is is the following:
=LOOKUP(LARGE(AA71:AD71;1);AA71:AD71;AA62:AD62)&": "&LARGE(AA71:AD71;1)
My data is stored in numbers in AA63:AD78 and above each a column is the name of the person.
What I wanted to do was to make a separate leaderboard for each row and first put the name of each person and then their score. The formula mentioned above works fine for everyone on the first place, but the second place always returns a #N/A error.
So I looked online and found that using HLOOKUP should work better. So I tried that with the following formula:
=HLOOKUP(LARGE(AA70:AD70;1);AA62:AD81;1;0)&": "&LARGE(AA71:AD71;1)
But that will always output #N/A, whatever I try…
Any ideas?