Leading 0 cell format, formula AND character spacing?

Version: (X86_64).

With a formula in the cell too, the character spacing never seems to stick at all.

All spreadsheet applications align numbers at the right cell margin. If your sequence of digits is really meant to be a decimal number, you can enforce left alignment. If your sequence is meant to be a phone number, zip code, article number or any other kind of identifier, format the cells as text before digits. Text cells have no numeric value. Entered text is taken literally.
Convert existing numbers to text:

  1. Select cells
  2. Format as text.
  3. menu:Edit>Find&Replace…
    3.1. Current selection only: Yes
    3.2. Regular expression: Yes
    3.3. Search: .+
    3.4. Replace: &
    3.5 [Replace All]

Sorry, I clarified my question. I don’t think your answer has anything to do with what I’m asking.

What are you trying to tell me?
qa110606.ods (18.0 KB)

This will not work:

A formula returning text returns one string. You can not format any substrings of formula results.

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But this is not good, is it? It’s very bad!

Can I report this as a bug? It’s a huge limitation!

You are free to report this as a request for enhancement. I would rather remove the formatting of the displayed formula string which raises wrong expectations.

I guess the following was meant for this thread:

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You should report a feature request, not a bug; and the request must be not to allow formatting selection with formulas, but to enable the sidebar’s Set Character Spacing control when you are not in the cell editing mode (and - what is the same thing - to enable FormatCharacter in that mode). Because it’s not clear why this formatting can’t apply to the whole cell, which would allow to work fine with formulas.