Learning resource for base macro

is there any learning resource, ebook, or tutorials about base macro. I want to have a deeper understanding of how “thisdatabasedocument”, “com.sun.star…”, list of form properties (such as .filter, .applyfilter, etc), what is drawpage, its parameters, keywords, syntax, or how it is properly called, etc… currently i just copy-paste codes that suits my requirements, but i really don’t know anything about how it works.
I have read the help.libreoffice.org, I have downloaded OOME, Libreoffice Base Guide, but it seems that it is not enough.

thanks RobertG and Ratslinger for the learning materials. I’ll do my homework, and I hope someday I’ll be the one answering questions here, returning the favors given to me by this community. Thanks!

LibreOffice Base Guide is a translation of Base Handbuch in German. There is more content in German Base Handbuch, because I have added much content since the translation.

You could also have a look here: Andrews Base Macro Programming


Another useful reference is Apache OpenOffice Developer’s Guide

It may be somewhat outdated for some of LibreOffice but is very useful for Base. Also keep in mind, with OOME it is not just the Base section which applies. There is much useful information in sections such as Calc.