Less than fullscreen (including title bar)

Raspberry Pi OS (Debian bookworm)

Version: / LibreOffice Community
Build ID: 40(Build:2)
CPU threads: 4; OS: Linux 6.6; UI render: default; VCL: x11
Locale: en-US (en_US.UTF-8); UI: en-US
Debian package version: 4:7.4.7-1+deb12u6
Calc: threaded

2 Questions

  • How do I get Calc (and LO) to open in LESS than full screen, with title bar decoration. Last size would be nice (like Windows)
  • How do I get LO to consistently open WITH title bar decoration

Circling back …

So from a Linux command line, how do you tell Calc (.scalc) to start with a specific window size ?

sorry… soffice --help provides nothing about window size.
but maybe ⇒ Tools ⇒ Options ⇒ LO ⇒ Advanced ⇒⇒open Expert Configuration and search for ooSetupFactoryWindowAttributes see also https://askubuntu.com/questions/1159377/libreoffice-calc-initial-window-size-problem

YES ! But the following does not work !

You are right, window size (and position) are stored in ~/.config/libreoffice/4/user/registrymodifications.xcu` when you close the last window of e.g. Calc.

I am here to apologize !

Somehow,I screwed up something on RPi OS ! A fresh install ofthe OS and LibreOffice and everything is working correctly.

:+1: :+1: yes the transition to Labwc with Wayland since last November was a bit blurry … but it seems its now (almost) working!

the default seems, Documents are opened at|with the same position|size|decoration as the last closed respectivly the previous opened Document.
In case they open in fullscreen with window-decoration titlebar … click on the [] square-button on the left of the x-button, adjust the size|position via mouse-pointer and your done!

Version: / LibreOffice Community
Build ID: 40(Build:2)
CPU threads: 4; OS: Linux 6.6; UI render: Skia/Vulkan; VCL: gtk3
Locale: de-DE (de_DE.UTF-8); UI: de-DE
Debian package version: 4:7.4.7-1+deb12u6
Calc: threaded

PS.: LibreOffice shows this behavior individually for each component ( eg. writer calc etc. and also for Basic )

Not on this machine !

I don’t see anything there !


So it actually doesnt open in Fullscreenmode and you should be able to adjust position ( Alt + mousepointer ) and size ?

ps. if you still have problems with window-settings, you may try:

sudo raspi-config
⇒ 6 Advanced Options
⇒ A6 ⇒ W3 Labwc with Wayland Backend
1 Like

Correct !

It is still a pain to have to resize it the window before getting started !

Sometime the “main” LibreOffice “wrapper” comes up with no “decoration” (title bar). I have to use “File” and “Exit” to close it.

I will try this !

Yes, Labwc with Wayland Backend is selected.

New observation !

If I click on an .ODS file on the desktop, SOMETIMES calc starts up with a labwc decoration/title bar but that immediately goes away !