Dear fellow members
I’ve a hard time making a list of birthdays sorted by month/day name of person.
I’ve put my family addressbook in a calc table and dragged it into base.
every family has one row, the columns are named:
family name / adres / postalcode / … / … / name01 / birthday_name01 / name02 / birthday_name02 / name03 / birthday_name03 / … / …
how can i make a list of a members of a family (if not empty) with a known birthday, and sort it by month and day.
I’m thinking of making a table, with:
name01(if not empty), birthday(if not empty and is January), family name,
name02(if not empty), birthday(if not empty and is January), family name,
name03(if not empty), birthday(if not empty and is January), family name,
name04(if not empty), birthday(if not empty and is January), family name,
name10(if not empty), birthday(if not empty and is December), family name,
name11(if not empty), birthday(if not empty and is December), family name,
name12(if not empty), birthday(if not empty and is December), family name,
Is this the way to go, or do you advice alternatives?
I use libreoffice 4.4.4
I hope you can give me some good advise.
greetings 415flip