Libra lost my file, can I get it back please ?

Hi, I had Libra office on my PC. I was offered an update and accepted it.

When the programme was updating, it said I didn’t have the authority to update and wiped Libra Office and my accounts worksheets off the computer.

I reinstalled the older version Libra Office on to my PC but can’t find the accounts worksheets that were lost.
Is there any way of getting them back, please.

Kind regards


Hello - most probably nothing is lost but the list of “Recent Files” (which is indicated by the thumbnails in the right panel of LibreOffice) is empty. Your files are, where you saved 'em to. Thus use File -> Open, select the files from the file picker (hopefully you remember the directories and/or names of your files) and open that way. If you do so, the list of “Recent Files” will be occupied again in course of time.

It’s called LibreOffice by the way…

When the programme was updating, it said I didn’t have the authority to update and wiped Libra Office and my accounts worksheets off the computer.

LibreOffice itself doesn’t wipe anything, but the installer of your operating system (I assume Windows) may. If you happened to have your documents somewhere under the same folder(s) where LibreOffice was installed not as an administrative user but your own user, then it might have wiped the entire content. But whether that was the case only you can tell, where actually you stored your documents. If the installer deleted the documents then the only way to get them back would be to restore them from a backup, if you did one.

If you don’t know where you store files then you will be storing them in the default place for your system. For a lot of operating systems, that folder is called Documents.

Open your file manager (Win+E opens file manager in Windows and some other OS)

Click on the folder Documents to open the folder. Look for your file name under the list of files

Problems installing LibreOffice (LO) in Windows

If you are prevented from trying to install LO then click on Start Menu > Settings > Apps > Apps & Features, under the heading Choose where to get apps select in the drop down box Anywhere

For other installation issues look at General Installation Issues (Windows)