Library Tools, where do you suggest adding a new routine?

What is the way to suggest adding a new routine to the Tools Library?
This is the routine:

Sub GoToAdd ( xAdd$ )
' Supports the following commands: ( xAdd$ )
' Sheet .......... = "Sheet1"
' Sheet.Cell ..... = "Sheet1.C2"
' Sheet.Area ..... = "Sheet1.D5:V9"
' Cell ........... = "C3"
' Area ........... = "H6:K12"
' Named Area ..... = "NamedArea"
' Row ............ = "13"
' Row Range ...... = "16:19"
' Column ......... = "H:H"
' Column Range ... = "D:U"
dim Address(0) as new
Address(0).Name = "ToPoint" : Address(0).Value = xAdd
CreateUnoService("") _
.executeDispatch(ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame _
, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, Address())
End Sub

Example of use:

Position the cursor in cell A5, in the TEST worksheet.

Sub GoTestA5
GoToAdd "TEST.A5"
End Sub

Select the area named “ORDERS”

End Sub

Makes it easier to navigate through cells in macro routines.

Why? For what? During the execution of a long macro, such jumps will only increase the script’s execution time and cause eye pain. To set the cursor to the desired location once at the very end of the macro, you can use the code from Chapter 6.5.3. Select a Cell

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doesn’t seems to be the scope, as mentionned in Library Tools, where can I find examples of use?

Rather ScriptForge Libraries ?