Libre office 3.6.2 help file contains a virus per norton internet security

I just downloaded libre office 3.6.2 and its help file. Norton Internet Security flagged and removed the help file installer for containing a virus

Norton seems to have fixed this recently. I can now install the help file. Thanks for your attention.

Probably due to “WS.Reputation.1”.

It isn’t a virus, but Symantec’s “the wisdom of crowds”. :wink:

Read more… → WS.Reputation.1.

You may restore the file from Norton’s “quarantine”
via "Security History → Quarantine → Options" (→ detailed).

[By the way: I could install "LibO_3.6.2.2_Win_x86_helppack_en-US.msi" without any problems, but now a manual “insight network scan” with Norton Internet Security removed this file (with a recoverable backup in the “Security History Quarantine”).]

Edit 2012-10-11

See also → Bug 55681 - LO3.6.2 Built-in Help package does not install


Personally, for an Anti-Virus I use Microsoft’s own Security Essentials, I’ve never had false positive, nor have I had problems with malware on my system. Might be something to consider when you subscription for Norton comes up for renewal. you can find it at if you’re interested.