Libre Office blockchain usage

This is in response to this post. I could not login at the blog, nor could I figure out how to fix my login.

The anti-blockchain responses are just wrong. The legal stuff is not reallly applicable to your product. Besides, bad stuff is going to be out there. You just prosecute people. If you wanted to you can find all of the unsavory content on the internet anyways. All blockchain does is stop people that do not support the concept of free speech from censoring others till the end of time. It’s a societal good to allow unpopular speech; since, when they’re right you get Galileo.

The energy usage stuff is highly inaccurate. If you contact Cointelegraph or Coindesk they can give you definitive proof that the traditional fiat economy uses far more energy than the blockchain economy ever will. The banking industry and US government are extremely inefficient with energy usage. Far more than Bitcoin. Remember miners make more money if they invest in advancing energy efficiency.

Now, onto using a blockchain for Libreoffice. All of that political stuff is all from people that support strong central governments with the ability to plan the economy. The fact is you can register your product on Astar, and collect inflation in Astar to pay developers. Users stake their Astar on a project and the inflation gets split 50% between the development team and the stakers. The idea is good projects get funded directly with inflation.

The transaction fee is what gives Astar its value, and as adoption goes up Astar increases in value from more paying the fee. The US dollar works the same way gaining value through taxation. The print just goes directly to projects people vote on the value of. The energy usage is also really low since it’s a proof of stake system. The Polkadot ecosystem can be thought of as the financial arm of the GPL.

There are Parachains that might be scams or poorly thought out projects in the ecosystem. The idea is those chains just do not get funding in Polkadot to secure a lease again. I do not believe Astar is that. Besides, you can always convert a portion to another asset. It’s just fiscally responsible to take profit and diversify assets for any business.

Maybe, long term if this works out integrate Crust Network too for low cost data storage? They have not launched yet, but it looks like a better designed IPFs in terms of the economics.

If interested I’d contact Astar Degens or the Astar team through their Discord.

Please use appropriate language on this site. It is used by peoples of all ages and backgrounds.
Additionally, this site is for helping people solve problems with the existing LibreOffice suite. It is not a place to promote new ideas and concepts for the suite.


I was trying to respond to the post; but, I could not login through your Word Press site. I’m not aware that responding to the people critical of blockchain technology is harmful for the children. Is there an appropriate forum for me to post this at?
If we’re discussing blockchain politics are going to get involved. It has implications for whether certain groups of people can control who gets paid.

This is NOT what was referred to when stating:

It was the word you used which I have since changed to stuff:

Ok, I understand. I wasn’t aware that word was offensive. It was in a children’s movies in the 80s.
I’ll avoid that language in the future.

The blog post was IMO misled. It does not make sense to ask people if we need to invent good uses of technology X. If there is such a use, then if someone has that idea, they would suggest it anyway, through normal feedback channels (feature requests, Telegram channels, IRC, social media…), so it would come from the opposite direction. If there is an interest, there would be much feedback, and people might create workarounds, extensions, macros…

There is no lack of high-profile feature requests in our bug tracker; so the post looked as if “we deliberately ignore all the stuff people are actually asking, but instead explore where to invest elsewhere”, which, even if a stretch, doesn’t look good (@mikesaunders may, indeed, want to prove me wrong, because I know that was not the intention; still I do claim that it looked that way).

So as the bottom line, despite I have no personal opinion if blockchain is or isn’t a technology that has a potential use in LibreOffice, I still feel that the whole concept of such blog posts is wrong.


That “question” here looks more like a spam advertising Astar anyway…


Hi all, Mike here from TDF. I wrote and published that blog post, with the goal of finding some ideas for LibreOffice development beyond the desktop app. Looking back, I realise it looks like “technology in search of a solution”, ie not the best approach, and I underestimated just how negative the general view in the FOSS world to blockchain is. So apologies for that. It was a genuine attempt to get some discussion going but it wasn’t such a great idea in the end. Sorry for that.