Libre Office Calc - external links to other calc files - can't open file

I have a ‘master’ spreadsheet in ods format that has links to other spreadsheets - either xlsx or ods - they are just a link to one total in each sheet.

I have just opened it and while it was “updating external links” the progress bar across the bottom just stopped, so I force quit it and now it just repeats the behaviour - LO just stalls and sits there - is there any way of editing the file - recreating it is going to be a really painful task.

Mac OS 11.6 LO, I have downloaded LO and that can open even less before stalling out !


Maybe you can find something:

1.- Don’t allow to update the links.
2.- Menu>Edit>Link to external data
3.- Update one by one, beginning for the last one.
to find the broken link.

Thanks, I switched the link updates off and have been through the whole document visually checking if the links are correct and can’t see the issue.
I managed to find an older backup and opened that, the information in the document is too useful to risk this again so I have updated the older copy and removed all the links - literally typing the value in as a fixed number, I’m not sure if the issue is one of the linked documents has been moved, renamed or whatever, but as LO can’t simply tell me which link fails, then it’s not worth the risk to me.

This is your solution, but not a true solution.

Create a copy of the failing file.

Break one by one the links, save and reopen to test, up to find out what is the problematic file.

You are right, but the file contains 600 links, maybe that is the issue.

In time the file will have over a 3000 links, so I have decided that it’s more reliable to just copy the number, not a link.

I know I should be storing the data in a database but I am not skilled in databases to build what I need.

Thanks for your help.