since updating from LibreOffice 6.x to the latest, everything has ground down to an absolute crawl. Not only does Libreoffice not work, but it causes the entire PC to come to a halt.
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I’m using Windows 10. My main goal is to find a version that works that can read xlsx files that works on my computer. I hadn’t updated for many years and then after the update the computer kept experiencing freezes that continued until I shut down LibreOffice. I’ve now uninstalled it for the time. The main symptom was every LibreOffice document using up about 10% of CPU on a system with a Ryzen 5900x and the system being unusable whilst LibreOffice was open. Would really like to find a version that can open xlsx files without creating these other problems.
It might be the graphics card doesn’t play well with Skia. See if LibreOffice works OK in Safe Mode, click Start menu > Apps > LibreOffice > LibreOffice Safe Mode. A new dialogue will open, select both Configure and Disable hardware acceleration (OpenGL, OpenCL, Vukan) and click Apply changes and restart.
When LibreOffice restarts click Tools > Options > LibreOffice > View and under the heading of Graphic Output tick the box Force Skia software rendering and OK. Restart LibreOffice and I expect it should work OK.
If not then it could be that you need to reset your User profile, LibreOffice user profile - The Document Foundation Wiki
thanks will try this.
This is an extremely useful tip, it really improves the speed.
There are two more suggestions for best experience. All together they are:
Tools / Options / LibreOffice / ...
... View / Graphics Output / [X] Force Skia software rendering
... Advanced / [ ] (uncheck) Use a Java runtime environment
... Online Update / [ ] (uncheck) Check for updates automatically
It makes a big improvement on MS Surface 3 running Win 10 Home!
I mean to say, forcing out Skia, and without the JRE, make such a marked notible improvement that LO is almost on par with MS Office itself in terms of usability.
These settings above must become defaults in the next release!
As for updates, it must be manual on command of the user, not the other way around, to minimize operating system threads running around and, thus, improve overall system performance,
Java is used in Base for report builder, it really doesn’t do anything otherwise so it makes no difference to speed or usability turning it off. It might as well be left on in case one day you need to use Base.
It is a personal preference so it doesn’t matter.
The settings in Options will remain as you set them through LibreOffice updates, so why do you want your preferences be default for everyone?
I think language tool, at least needs JRE on. At least the extension, I do not know about the native LO version, and I prefer the extension of its user control aspects seem more fine grain.
And there are more extensions wich are written in Java, so they will not be usable without an active Java.
LibreOffice itself is not written in Java and don’t need it to run. Even Base can be run without Java as already written:
Maybe we should mention the default database for LibreOffice is HSQLDB, written in Java. So one has to select another type of database to be used (one reason behind the integration of Firebird).
And obviously we have to avoid jdbc-connections to databases…
But as this thread is more on speed: I remember times, where there was a considerable lag on loading Java. (Database reports were not usable before the circling mouse pointer stopped… Changing from Coretto to Adoptium fixed that for me at that time.)
I’m using Libre Office on a Macbook pro with quad processors, and I agree it’s slow since the update.
I’m entering data, then the cursor disappears and I have to wait or tap other keys until it comes back again - and then edit because it didn’t keep up.
It’s not that it doesn’t work, but can’t keep up and process the information at ‘normal’ speed, as it usually does.
@Cody This question was about LibreOffice on Windows. I suggest you copy your comment and make a new question.
It would be helpful to those supplying answers if you pasted the details from Help > About LibreOffice in your new question.
Thanks for the rebuff - but here’s the question - which I commented on:
since updating from LibreOffice 6.x to the latest, everything has ground down to an absolute crawl. Not only does Libreoffice not work, but it causes the entire PC to come to a halt.
I had the exact problem except on a Mac. You’re welcome.