Libre office MS Group policy deployment

is it possible to deploy this through group policy i keep getting an error that says

Yes it’s possible - but needs manual modification of the MSI package due to tdf#45750 (which is actually a Microsoft bug). GPO can’t handle tens of languages of the MSI (obviously, they never thought there may be more than a dozen of languages - since language list can be no longer than 254 characters to be accepted by the policy).

As explained in the bug, we will not be changing our installer to make multiple MSIs, which would confuse users, make our build much more complicated, mean manyfold increase of server space requirements - just to fix that Microsoft bug. So system administrators have to make the language string shorter using tools like MS Orca or InstEd! (see comment 19 there).

So what do I need to do I am not an expert in packaging is there a guide becuase i have no idea what you are talking about all i know is that there is a bug

You need to read the comment 19 in the bug, which is what I mentioned in my answer above.