Firstly - I am using windows 10.
- LibreOffice is on the screen as an icon - and it will not open [without] great difficulty.
- Eventually, I manage to get a Writer text document open down on the taskbar. It will not stay on the taskbar.
- Then the Writer document will open with a small box pending previous work, where if it cannot find [the previous work], will place a red X. Eventually, clicking the box done makes this box disappear, leaving a blank ready-to-use document.
- Now a sickening problem: With Writer, while I am using opened documents all day, it will open up new blank pages.
- When I close Writer, then I cannot open it up again.
- For me to again use Writer, the only [way is] to restart my computer.
- As in 1, it will start again but when Writer does open up, then I can restart using a new Writer document. There is no other way to get the on-screen icon to open up its menu then click on Writer so I can restart my new documents.
true respect from Teyvanai