Libre won't allow me to type a phrase

Hello, world. My Libre Office here at work seems to be afflicted with a very strange bug. I’m attempting to type “Smith SFB” because we have a project at a particular US Space Force Base. But neither Write nor Calc seem to want to allow me to do so. It simply truncates SFB to SF when I press the space bar. It will allow me to type “SFBB” with no problem. I can then, if necessary, then find & replace “SFBB” to “SFB” but that seems to be a clumsy work around. Just for kicks, I tried this last night on my home machine, and didn’t get the same glitch. However, the home machine is using an older version of LO and a different O/S.

The gory details: Win 10 Home, Build 19045, running on a HP disguised laptop with an i3 chip at 2.40 GHz and 16 gigs of ram, Libre Office

Any hints would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Probably a (mal)function of AutoCorrect? Hit shortcut CTRL + Z after SF displays instead of SFB - is then everything okay?

Can’t reproduce here with English (USA).

Go to Tools>AutoCorrect>AutoCorrect Options, Replace tab. See if there is a rule for SFB. If so, delete it.

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Thank you, I didn’t even consider the notion of Autocorrect. I’ll check that this morning when I get to workd.