I have enabled toggle outline folding. how can i select all headings and collapse/expand simultaneously ?
I have enabled toggle outline folding. how can i select all headings and collapse/expand simultaneously ?
Please edit your question to make it understandable (on this site, questions are always editable: click on … then on the pencil). Mention OS name, LO version, save format.
I think it is Bug 142446 - In folding outlines, enable specifying, document-wide, the level to which text should be collapsed.
I prefer the Navigator view, at least for the moment.
how do i close it ? you mean accept it as a “Solution” ?
No, I mean make it inactive. This was a feature in the old site but it seems it is no longer possible. Anyway, it is now meaningless as you have an answer here by @mikekaganski and another one by me in the duplicate question.
This is typically a situation to avoid because visitors trying to find an answered question will be puzzled at to which occurrence they should refer. And contributors will be equally puzzled, not knowing which occurrence is “active”.
Click on Headings
top-level element in the Navigator; press + or - keys to collapse/expand one node; use Ctrl++ to expand all with sublevels (works at lease on Windows).
… And likely my answer is off-topic, because you obviously ask about outline folding feature, and I wrote about navigator. Sorry.