LibreCalc - Importing/Pasting Data with Line Break/New Line Field Separator

This is a continuation of the discussion at importing text files with newline delimiters (I wish interesting topics wouldn’t be closed just because they’re old).

When pasting data, say, from a web browser into a spreadsheet, you can get an option to select the field separators AKA delimiters. Usually this is commas and tabs, but you can included spaces or any custom character, EXCEPT for line breaks.

This is because line breaks are used to separate records or spreadsheet rows. But it’s kind of an arbitrary restriction. If someone’s messing around with default field delimiters, they probably have an idea what they’re doing.

Work would be so much faster when copying non-table data into a spreadsheet a row at a time, if you could separate each line of data into fields.

Actually it is not.
All csv/tsv have different separators for columns and lines, this drives the algorithm to put data in fields.
Your case is having the same char separating lines and (later) columns.
So we are in an ambigius situation.
On a general view it is not even clear, if the x of the presented data in your link is an end-of-line marker or actual data. I can decide this, but please write instructions to do this for any text-with-data wich may be presented, then maybe a programmer can write an import-filter.