LibreCalc rephrases my functions made by Python

Hey all,

I am using a python script to sum various values between various sheets in Calc.
It creates a new sheet where it adds up those cells into a new column via function, so it stays dynamic.

In my python script I added logs so I can verify the function is correct, here are some examples:
Added: the chronics with formula =SUM(2024.C49)
Added: elad magdasi featuring lucinee with formula =SUM(2024.C18)
Added: alfredo mazzilli with formula =SUM(2024.C5)

Seems right.
However, when opening the file in LibreCalc, I get #NAME? errors for all, and upon checking the functions, I see this:

It turned all my capital “C” to lower case “c” and that’s why it doesn’t work.

Why is that happening? how can I overcome it? my script is correct.

Thanks a lot in advance

Likely not, otherwise it would work. But impossible to say without seeing it.

Here is the code creating the function:

    sheet_names = [sheet_name for sheet_name in wb.sheetnames if sheet_name not in ["Master", "Track Info"]]

    for sheet_name in sheet_names:
        sheet = wb[sheet_name]
        artists = set(sheet.cell(row=i, column=1).value for i in range(2, sheet.max_row + 1))

        for artist in artists:
            artist_row = next((row for row in range(2, sheet.max_row + 1) if sheet.cell(row=row, column=1).value == artist), None)
            if artist_row is None:

            artist_row_master = next((master_row for master_row in range(2, ws.max_row + 1) if ws.cell(row=master_row, column=1).value == artist), None)

            if artist_row_master is None:
                formula = f"=SUM({sheet_name}.C{artist_row})"
                ws.append([artist, formula])
                print(f"Added: {artist} with formula {formula}")
                existing_formula = ws.cell(row=artist_row_master, column=2).value
                new_formula = existing_formula + f", {sheet_name}.C{artist_row}" if existing_formula.startswith('=SUM(') else f"=SUM({sheet_name}.C{artist_row})"
                ws.cell(row=artist_row_master, column=2).value = new_formula
                print(f"Updated: {artist} with formula {new_formula}")

C is capitalized, while when opening the file in Libre it’s lowercased.

and for wider reference, here is the entire script. Worth mentioning, I know there is a part there that lower cases the imported reports, but it doesn’t affect the functions writing. Moreover even if I remove the lower casing, it’s still results in the same issue.

import subprocess
import os
import datetime
import pandas as pd
from openpyxl.styles import PatternFill
from openpyxl.utils.dataframe import dataframe_to_rows

import openpyxl
from openpyxl import load_workbook

def main():
    # Create a new directory for the sales reports based on the current date and time
    dir_name = "FLR_Reports_" +"%Y")
    os.makedirs(dir_name, exist_ok=True)
    print(f"Created directory: {dir_name}")

    # Determine the current year for file naming
    current_year =

    # Define the paths and file names for the other scripts
    script1_path = ''
    script2_path = ''
    report1_filename = f'triplevision_{current_year}.xlsx'
    report2_filename = f'bandcamp_{current_year}.xlsx'

    # Full paths for the reports
    report1_path = os.path.join(dir_name, report1_filename)
    report2_path = os.path.join(dir_name, report2_filename)

    # Run the first script and pass the directory and file name as arguments
    print("Running Triplevision sales script...")['python', script1_path, dir_name, report1_filename], check=True)

    # Run the second script and pass the directory and file name as arguments
    print("Running Bandcamp sales script...")['python', script2_path, dir_name, report2_filename], check=True)

    # Combine the reports
    combine_reports(report1_path, report2_path, dir_name)
    deduct_production_costs(os.path.join(dir_name, 'FINAL_combined_artist_revenue_report.xlsx'))

    # After updating the Excel file with new data
    format_excel_sheet(os.path.join(dir_name, 'FINAL_combined_artist_revenue_report.xlsx'), str(current_year))

    # Add the new function call here
    update_master_sheet(os.path.join(dir_name, 'FINAL_combined_artist_revenue_report.xlsx'))

    print("All tasks completed.")

def format_excel_sheet(report_path, sheet_name):
    wb = load_workbook(report_path)
    sheet = wb[sheet_name]

    # Define fills
    green_fill = PatternFill(start_color="C6EFCE", end_color="C6EFCE", fill_type="solid")
    orange_fill = PatternFill(start_color="FFEB9C", end_color="FFEB9C", fill_type="solid")

    # Assuming the first row contains headers
    headers = [cell.value for cell in sheet[1]]

    # Finding the indices for the columns to be formatted
    to_be_paid_col = headers.index('To Be Paid') + 1  # +1 because openpyxl is 1-indexed
    production_costs_col = headers.index('Production Costs Deducted') + 1

    # Auto-adjust column widths and apply coloring
    for col in sheet.columns:
        max_length = max(len(str(cell.value)) for cell in col)
        sheet.column_dimensions[col[0].column_letter].width = max_length + 2  # Adding a bit extra space

        # Apply green fill to 'To Be Paid'
        if col[0].column == to_be_paid_col:
            for cell in col[1:]:  # Skip header
                cell.fill = green_fill

        # Apply orange fill to 'Production Costs Deducted'
        if col[0].column == production_costs_col:
            for cell in col[1:]:  # Skip header
                if cell.value == 'Yes':
                    cell.fill = orange_fill

def deduct_production_costs(combined_report_path):
    # Load the Excel file
    with pd.ExcelFile(combined_report_path) as xls:
        track_info_df = pd.read_excel(xls, 'Track Info')
        current_year =
            yearly_df = pd.read_excel(xls, sheet_name=str(current_year))
        except ValueError:  # In case the sheet for the current year doesn't exist yet
            yearly_df = pd.DataFrame()

    # Check if the indication column exists, if not add it
    if 'Production Costs Deducted' not in yearly_df.columns:
        yearly_df['Production Costs Deducted'] = 'No'  # Default to 'No' for all artists initially

    # Filter for new tracks added this year
    new_tracks = track_info_df[track_info_df['Year Added'] == current_year]

    # Mark the indication for production costs to be deducted for artists with new tracks
    for _, track in new_tracks.iterrows():
        artist = track['Asset Artist']
        if artist in yearly_df['Asset Artist'].values:
            yearly_df.loc[yearly_df['Asset Artist'] == artist, 'Production Costs Deducted'] = 'Yes'

    # Save the updated data back to the Excel file
    with pd.ExcelWriter(combined_report_path, engine='openpyxl', mode='a', if_sheet_exists='replace') as writer:
        yearly_df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=str(current_year), index=False)
        track_info_df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Track Info', index=False)

    print("Indication for production costs deduction updated for new tracks.")

def combine_reports(report1_path, report2_path, dir_name):
    # Load the reports
    report1 = pd.read_excel(report1_path)
    report2 = pd.read_excel(report2_path)

    # Convert 'Asset Artist' column to lowercase for case-insensitive comparison
    report1['Asset Artist'] = report1['Asset Artist'].str.lower()
    report2['Asset Artist'] = report2['Asset Artist'].str.lower()

    # Combine the main reports
    combined_report = pd.concat([report1, report2]).groupby('Asset Artist', as_index=False).agg({
        'Sale Count': 'sum',
        'Total Revenue': 'sum',
        'To Be Paid': 'sum'

    # Determine the file path for the combined report
    combined_report_path = os.path.join(dir_name, 'FINAL_combined_artist_revenue_report.xlsx')

    # Determine the current year for sheet naming
    current_year =

    if not os.path.exists(combined_report_path):
        # If the file does not exist, simply write the new file without specifying if_sheet_exists
        with pd.ExcelWriter(combined_report_path, engine='openpyxl', mode='w') as writer:
            combined_report.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=str(current_year), index=False)
        print(f"Created new report and saved to {combined_report_path} in sheet {current_year}")
        # If the file exists, use append mode and specify if_sheet_exists
        with pd.ExcelWriter(combined_report_path, engine='openpyxl', mode='a', if_sheet_exists='replace') as writer:
            combined_report.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=str(current_year), index=False)
        print(f"Updated existing report and saved to {combined_report_path} in sheet {current_year}")

    # Load "Track Info" sheets from the new reports, if they exist
        track_info1 = pd.read_excel(report1_path, sheet_name='Track Info')
    except ValueError:
        track_info1 = pd.DataFrame()

        track_info2 = pd.read_excel(report2_path, sheet_name='Track Info')
    except ValueError:
        track_info2 = pd.DataFrame()

    # Convert 'Asset Artist' column to lowercase for case-insensitive comparison
    track_info1['Asset Artist'] = track_info1['Asset Artist'].str.lower()
    track_info2['Asset Artist'] = track_info2['Asset Artist'].str.lower()

    # Mark new tracks with the current year
    current_year =
    if not track_info1.empty:
        track_info1['Year Added'] = current_year
    if not track_info2.empty:
        track_info2['Year Added'] = current_year

    combined_track_info = pd.concat([track_info1, track_info2]).drop_duplicates(subset=['Asset Artist', 'Asset Title'], keep='first').reset_index(drop=True)

    combined_report_path = os.path.join(dir_name, 'FINAL_combined_artist_revenue_report.xlsx')

    # Check if the combined report already exists to merge with existing "Track Info"
    if 'Track Info' in pd.ExcelFile(combined_report_path).sheet_names:
        existing_track_info = pd.read_excel(combined_report_path, sheet_name='Track Info')
        # Convert 'Asset Artist' column to lowercase for case-insensitive comparison
        existing_track_info['Asset Artist'] = existing_track_info['Asset Artist'].str.lower()
        # Combine new track info with existing, ensuring older "Year Added" is preserved
        combined_track_info = pd.concat([existing_track_info, combined_track_info]).drop_duplicates(subset=['Asset Artist', 'Asset Title'], keep='first').reset_index(drop=True)

    # Save updated "Track Info" back to the combined report
    with pd.ExcelWriter(combined_report_path, engine='openpyxl', mode='a', if_sheet_exists='replace') as writer:
        combined_track_info.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Track Info', index=False)

    print("Track Info combined and added to the report.")

def update_master_sheet(report_path):
    # Load the Excel file
    wb = load_workbook(report_path)

    # Create or overwrite the "Master" sheet
    if "Master" in wb.sheetnames:
        ws = wb["Master"]
        ws.delete_rows(2, ws.max_row)  # Clear existing data except headers
        ws = wb.create_sheet("Master")
        ws.append(["Asset Artist", "To Be Paid"])  # Add headers

    sheet_names = [sheet_name for sheet_name in wb.sheetnames if sheet_name not in ["Master", "Track Info"]]

    for sheet_name in sheet_names:
        sheet = wb[sheet_name]
        artists = set(sheet.cell(row=i, column=1).value for i in range(2, sheet.max_row + 1))

        for artist in artists:
            artist_row = next((row for row in range(2, sheet.max_row + 1) if sheet.cell(row=row, column=1).value == artist), None)
            if artist_row is None:

            artist_row_master = next((master_row for master_row in range(2, ws.max_row + 1) if ws.cell(row=master_row, column=1).value == artist), None)

            if artist_row_master is None:
                formula = f"=SUM({sheet_name}.C{artist_row})"
                ws.append([artist, formula])
                print(f"Added: {artist} with formula {formula}")
                existing_formula = ws.cell(row=artist_row_master, column=2).value
                new_formula = existing_formula + f", {sheet_name}.C{artist_row}" if existing_formula.startswith('=SUM(') else f"=SUM({sheet_name}.C{artist_row})"
                ws.cell(row=artist_row_master, column=2).value = new_formula
                print(f"Updated: {artist} with formula {new_formula}")
    print("Master sheet update process completed with logging.")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Are you using Calc formula syntax with Pandas, where Excel syntax is expected (with ! between sheet name and address)?

Wrap sheet_name in single quotes.
By the way, I’m not sure that the SUM() function for a single cell is different from the usual ='2024'.C43

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It didn’t work when I tried with !, only works with a dot and a capital letter for the sheet.

I am using Calc not Excel

It can also collect values from multiple cells, in case they exist in multiple sheets.

It doesn’t matter; what does is (1) what Pandas does / expects, and (2) the file format. Because Calc will expect Excel formulas in Excel files, and what it expects in its own ODS files depends on what setting is used.

Well, in this log that you showed in your question there was not a single example for this. I should have asked.

True I just didn’t want to complicate things, as first I tried to get the single-ones to work, then I’d move forward.

I think I don’t follow, I’m not 100% code expert here, what does it mean I should do?

And I don’t know Pandas. I have just a gut feeling that Pandas expects you to construct formulas in some different way … I google quickly, and see that they create formulas not like “{sheet}.C{number}”, but like df['Price'] = ((df['Total Value (Lacs)']) * 100000 / (df['Quantity']) * 100) (from here)

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It’s as if nothing is good enough for Calc.
If it shows in Calc like this from the script:
I get Error 501 (though it should work no?)

Then if I manually edit it to this by removing the ’ ':
Then it works, though when I double click to edit it again, it shows like this with the ’ ’ again: (and still working)

What is that?

Could you upload the resulting file?

it’s a rather private revenue report, maybe I can send you privately?

Yes, sure!

Hey all!

Finally got the solution thanks to sokol92

I was trying to use Python with the LibreOffice syntax, while I should have done it with the Excel syntax.

This is the revised code which works:

def update_master_sheet(report_path):
    # Load the Excel file
    wb = load_workbook(report_path)

    # Create or overwrite the "Master" sheet
    if "Master" in wb.sheetnames:
        ws = wb["Master"]
        ws.delete_rows(2, ws.max_row)  # Clear existing data except headers
        ws = wb.create_sheet("Master")
        ws.append(["Asset Artist", "To Be Paid"])  # Add headers

    sheet_names = [sheet_name for sheet_name in wb.sheetnames if sheet_name not in ["Master", "Track Info"]]

    for sheet_name in sheet_names:
        sheet = wb[sheet_name]
        artists = set(sheet.cell(row=i, column=1).value for i in range(2, sheet.max_row + 1))

        for artist in artists:
            artist_row = next((row for row in range(2, sheet.max_row + 1) if sheet.cell(row=row, column=1).value == artist), None)
            if artist_row is None:

            artist_row_master = next((master_row for master_row in range(2, ws.max_row + 1) if ws.cell(row=master_row, column=1).value == artist), None)

            if artist_row_master is None:
                cells_formula = [f"'{sheet_name}'!C{artist_row}"]
                existing_formula = ws.cell(row=artist_row_master, column=2).value
                if existing_formula.startswith('=SUM('):
                    cells_formula = existing_formula[5:-1].split(", ")  # Extract existing cell references
                    cells_formula = [existing_formula[5:-1]]  # Extract existing cell reference

                cells_formula.append(f"'{sheet_name}'!C{artist_row}")  # Add current cell reference

            new_formula = f"=SUM({', '.join(cells_formula)})"
            if len(cells_formula) > 1:
                new_formula = f"=SUM({', '.join(cells_formula)})"
            ws.append([artist, new_formula])
            print(f"Updated: {artist} with formula {new_formula}")
    print("Master sheet update process completed with logging.")

So basically when I set the formula to use !cellnumber instead of .cellnumber, it opened correctly and then LibreOffice converted it to .cellnumber

Thanks again everyone :slight_smile:

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