LibreOffice 4.4.4 and the Headless Install

I need to install “LibreOffice” and “Libreoffice-headless” packages on Redhat Linux 6.5 x64bit. I can download the complete “Libreoffice 4.4.4” from the website which contains all the required dependancies but I am struggling to find the “Headless” package for this version. I believe if you have a yum repository setup to Redhat this easy but I am unable to set this up. Can anyone point me in the right direction to get both the LibreOffice and libreoffcie-headless linux package?

Answer is about running headless, not headless install.

According to this page the answer is to add the parameter ` --headless’ to the standard run command following installation of standard LO. I’ve checked within the (downloadable) help and, sure enough (v4.4.4.3):-


Starts in “headless mode” which allows using the application
without user interface. This special
mode can be used when the application
is controlled by external clients via
the API.


  1. Install LO/OO of your desire using standard tools/distribution
  2. Open using `–headless’ as extra parameter

This is from my own system just now:-

:~$ /opt/libreoffice4.4/program/soffice.bin --help
LibreOffice 2c39ebcf046445232b798108aa8a7e7d89552ea8

Usage: soffice [options] [documents...]

--minimized    keep startup bitmap minimized.
--invisible    no startup screen, no default document and no UI.
--norestore    suppress restart/restore after fatal errors.
--quickstart   starts the quickstart service
--nologo       don't show startup screen.
--nolockcheck  don't check for remote instances using the installation
--nodefault    don't start with an empty document
--headless     like invisible but no userinteraction at all.
--help/-h/-?   show this message and exit.
--version      display the version information.
--writer       create new text document.
--calc         create new spreadsheet document.
--draw         create new drawing.
--impress      create new presentation.
--base         create new database.
--math         create new formula.
--global       create new global document.
--web          create new HTML document.
-o             open documents regardless whether they are templates or not.
-n             always open documents as new files (use as template).

If this helps then please tick the answer (:heavy_check_mark:).