Libreoffice 5, crashes or takes a long time to come out saving

Dear all
I’m working with a book created with Libreoffice 5, which has 1,751kb in size, and performs many operations using various functions. My problem is that when I say save, it responds in one of the following ways. Sometimes it save, but it takes 5 minutes o more. Most often it is blocked and you have to close it and retrieve it later (this is what happens most times). I have tested with a computer that has installed LinusMint17 (32bit), with another one that has installed LinuxMint18 (64bit), and in a partition where I have Windows7 installed. In the Windows 7 partition, it does not crash, and it takes less time to save, although while recording a message that says “No response” and appears and disappears.
What could be the problem?.
Best regards

Please try resetting the user profile, sometimes solves strange issues.
Usually it’s enough renaming/deleting the file “user/registrymodifications.xcu”, it affects all the options in Menu/Tools/Options, and the files “user/basic/dialog.xlc” and “scrip.xlc” are overwritten, additionally custom colors in “user/config/standard.soc” are lost.

Gracias por tu ayuda. He realizado lo que me has propuesto, en el linuxmint18 64 bits y no aprecio mejora alguna.
El libro tiene 32 hojas. Las hojas tienen datos vinculados entre unas y otras, y utilizo bastent la función BUSCARV, y las funciones SI.Error y SI. ¿Podría ser esta la causa de la ralentización?.
Saludos cordiales

Los documentos de LibreOffice Writer los abre y cierra sin ningún problema aparente.

Sorry, I did not notice the language
Thanks for your help. I have done what you have proposed, in the linuxmint18 64 bit and I do not appreciate any improvement. The book has 32 sheets. The sheets have data linked between one and the other, and I use a lot of the VLOOKUP function, and the SI.Error and SI functions, as well as a lot of background color on all the sheets. Could this be the cause of the slowdown ?.
The LibreOffice Writer documents are openedd and close without any apparent proble

The actual situation is the next.
I’m working with a book created with Libreoffice 5, which has 4.312kb of size, and 32 sheets (.ods format). The sheets have data linked between one and the other, operations with statistical functions and I use a lot of the VLOOKUP function, and the SI.Error and SI functions, as well as a lot of background color on all the sheets… My problem is that when I order save, it responds in one of the following ways.
In an desktop computer (32bits and Windows7). On opening takes approximately 1 minute. When it save, the warning “No answer” appears when inthe begining. Following, The green bar that indicates the progress of the recording is then removed and displayed. Then the computer screen is blank, and after this the previous screen appears and the recording ends, sometimes. It take to save 4 minutes approximately. Another times Libreoffice crash.
Report reference of the last crash running LibreOffice5 in Windows 7

In this same computer, in a partition con Linuxmint18, on opening takes approximately 4 minutes. It take to save 4 minutes approximately. Another times don’t finish never.
In another lapto computer (Linuxmint18, 64 bits), on opening takes approximately 4 minute3. It take to save 4 minutes approximately. Another times doǹt finish never. I test " save as" and save changing from -ods format to Excel 2007-2003, and after 10 minutes had not yet started to save. The sheet was blocked, without giving as any warning. After this I forced the LibreOffice shutdown and started recovering the document. It took 3 minutes to reopen it.
In this last computer, I have resetting the user profile, and I do not appreciate any improvement.

The LibreOffice Writer documents are openedd and close without any apparent problem in all the computers.

I am at your disposal if you need from me to do more tests to help identify the problem

Best regards

Dear All. I have checked, on the 64-bit computer, that LibreOffice handles the file reasonably well and does not crash, so probably the problem are in the LibreOffice 5.2.4.
Best regards

Libreoffice opera normalmente en LinuxMint 17.