the spell check of writer stopped showing so I had the bad idea of removing libreoffice and install it anew. This problem came after upgrading from ubuntu 18 to 19.04. I used sudo apt-get remove --purge libreoffice*
and then istalled from apt, or from the libreoffice website or the software manager. In all cases, LO is installed but it fails to be launched. I removed ~/.config/libreoffice as suggested bu tstill nothing.
I tried to launch form the terminal:
$ libreoffice --writer ~/Downloads/file.rtf
/usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/libmergedlo.so: undefined symbol: _ZN11LanguageTagD1Ev
What would be the problem and how to fix it?
thank you
Edit [Opaque] Changed title to show correct version the question is about.