Libreoffice Open totally transparente with ODS & ODT files

I am using Ubuntu 16.04.6LTS, OpenGL 3.0 Mesa 18.0.5

I migrate from LibreOffice with no issuses to removing/purge previously

When I open a ODS/XLS or ODT/DOC files with double click on the file it come totaly transparent just the title windows is visible, in order to close I can use X icon on the windows or Alt-F → Exit Libreoffice, Options menus under file is visible, File and top menu option are not visible.

Libreoffice laucher take to long time to open a file in the recent files showed.

How can I fix it.

I migrate from LibreOffice with no issuses to

This is a pretty long version jump - I’d suggest to start from a terminal calling libreoffice --safe-mode and to laod a file using File -> Open. If that doesn’t show your problem, reset your user profile (if you installed from TDF packages libreoffice6.4 --safe-mode might be the correct command).

In order to fix it i install libxcb-xtest0, after that LibreOffice6.4.5.2

The “big jump” don’t contribute in this issue, because I REMOVE/PURGE previous version to do a fresh installation