Libreoffice keeps crashing

Libreoffice 7 keeps crashing
OS is Mageia 8 (fully updated near new install)
Version is

I start Libreoffice, go to open a recent file (that I previously opened on this near new install and crash. I get the option to recover a file. I’ve tried both recover or discard and it crashes.

I uninstalled and reinstalled. Rebooted. Still crashes
I’ve archived the profile. I’ve reset to all defaults. Still crashes

Tried soffice --calc --nolockcheck --norestore and soffice --calc --nolockcheck --norestore --safe-mode. Still crashes

soffice even crashed looking through the settings.

Any other ideas?

I’m hoping Opaque is a bot. If not, how do I mark the answer as worse than useless?

Sigh. I’m sick of askers who come here asking questions, and start bashing people using inappropriate insults, even if the answerer was not that attentive, and missed a “I’ve archived the profile. I’ve reset to all defaults. Still crashes” line, being used to a usual newbie’s mistake. Note that @anon73440385 wasn’t that rude, when they thought you were clueless, not telling you “how can you not know such a basic thing, you loser!”. They tried to be helpful - and why not just be polite to people trying to help you (just because they tried)?


Me too … bye guys

Update - Deleted my comment.

Oh no, no!

This would be serious loss to the community.

I understand the frustration of the “heavy supporters” sometimes ( I am a support volunteer in half a dozen different forums - under various guises) but I have, perhaps, got a bit thick-skinned over the years and just ignore the sniping of ungrateful askers. I simply don’t offer any future help to them.

Please don’t lose sight of the grateful askers who benefit greatly from your answers & advice.

Just my 2 [currency symbol here].


@anon73440385, Behind the world of the invisible still remains the view to the great master.

OP’s “X”, that’s what I call them now, are really only poor people.

By the way, I had a similar case long ago. I have simply deleted my comment again and since then this OP-X stands in the waiting loop. It helps me to ignore him.

Please be a great professional master again. You are a Knowledge for others to look up to. Please come back.