Libreoffice 7.1 (on Linux Mint 19.3) will not open Libreoffice writer or calc documents

Libreoffice 7.1
Linux Mint 19.3

Will not open writer or calc docs. Wheel spins and times out. This is recent problem but Libreoffice 7.1 has been acting buggy for some time (or maybe I just do not like it. I am sorry I upraded from libreoffice 6).

Ran command: linuxmint> cannot locate base snap core20: No such file or directory

Just use the version which is distributed together with your operating system. Is there anything new in version 7.1 which attracts you?
I use v6.0 of Ubuntu 18.4 for my daily work and LO7.3 (with some tweaks) for places like this and out of curiosity.



Just use the version which is distributed together with your operating system. Is there anything new in version 7.1 which attracts you?
I use v6.0 of Ubuntu 18.4 for my daily work and LO7.3 (with some tweaks) for places like this and out of curiosity.

Nothing in 7.1 that I like, in fact I do not like anything about it. However, I do not know how to revert. If I just uninstall LibreOffice 7.1, will that leave LibreOffice 6.0 (the previous version)?

If you did not remove version 6.0, it might be still there. I don’t know. Try /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice

Thank you. Can you tell me how to “answer” your posts, rather than to “comment” as I am doing as I see no way to answer your posts?

Maybe “commenting” is the proper way to answer. Can you show me how to remove LibreOffice 7.1? All response to that query show how to completely remove LibreOffice completely…

Yes, “commenting” is the proper way.

sudo apt remove libreoffice7.1

if that fails, use the “app store” of your distribution. I don’t know how you installed it.

Reset all LibreOffice configuration:
rm -r .config/libreoffice/4/user/*

Thank you very much. Let me give this a try.