LibreOffice running very slow

This is my system

Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 23.10
Release: 23.10
Codename: mantic
LibreOffice LibreOffice

I upgraded to recently (from the Ubuntu Software store…this is the latest!) and it is really really slow. Is this because it is a SNAP version? Is there anyway to improve the speed…without going back an reinstalling an earlier version which was running quite well with my set of Calc files.

doin’ what ?

which was ?

you may also compare the detailled info in LO menu Help>About

Transferring data from one spreadsheet to another (the same spreadsheet operation which ran very smoothly and quickly on versions earlier than this one…7.3 etc)

simple clipboard copy/paste ? external refs ?
data size ?

like what ?

Exact same copy and paste from a page on a 2.4 MB file to a similarly sized file…I get lots (as in 3 or 4 text boxes which ask me to wait or quit LO)…these are the same transfers I have been doing for the last year or so on non 7.6 LO without getting the delays and the text box warnings. When I down graded to an earlier version of LO in December, it ran smoothly without the delays.

The biggest array that I copy and paste is about 43 X 50.

(that’s gnome every 10s when appp is ont responsive)

of numbers ?

anyhow, can’t find anything known related

so if you can explore a bit:

  • do you run wayland or X11 ?
  • is the “paste” slow or “copy” as well ?
  • what’s the CPU usage ? (as in System Monitor)
  • what about pasting to writer, or text editor, or empty calc document ?

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… and seems a long stading pattern :frowning:

apt seems the way to go.