until LO 6.4.5 I used the following macro in a base program to open a file stored in Server.
sub open_file
oform = thisComponent.drawpage.forms.MainForm
surl = convertToUrl(oform.getstring(oform.findcolumn(“URL”))) ‘works until LO 6.4.5
rem surl = (oform.getstring(oform.findcolumn(“URL”))) works with LO 7
if surl = “” then
msgbox (“No Url found”,16,“Error”)
exit sub
oShell = createUnoService(“com.sun.star.system.SystemShellExecute”)
end sub
When I installed LO 7 , running the above macro I got a message saying that file name is incorrect. When I removed convertToUrl ,as shown above everything worked OK. I removed convertToUrl from all macros and it worked.
The file name is stored in a table with columnname “URL” as Z:\MYFILENAME.odt where Z: is the name for the map network drive.
Is it an issue of Lo 7.0.0?
OS win 10pro update 2004.
thank you in advance