“LibreOffice.app” can’t be opened because its integrity cannot be verified

“LibreOffice.app” can’t be opened because its integrity cannot be verified.

This software needs to be updated. Contact the developer for more information.

This item is on the disk image “LibreOffice_6.3.2_MacOS_x86-64.dmg”. Safari Technology Preview downloaded this disk image today at 16:15 from mirror.sjc02.svwh.net.

Download appears to complete correctly under MacOS 10.15 Beta but I get this message each time I attempt to install 6.3.2. Has anyone else encountered this & is there a resolution or work-around?

Update: Almost same verbage trying to install 6.2.7 on MacOS 10.15 Beta:

“LibreOffice.app” can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software.
This software needs to be updated. Contact the developer for more information.

This item is on the disk image “LibreOffice_6.2.7_MacOS_x86-64.dmg”. Safari Technology Preview downloaded this disk image today at 18:40 from mirror.sjc02.svwh.net.

Opaque has answered this question…please see his response below. Thanks - billgr0248

NOT a duplicate question…it is an un-educated OP - billgr0248


You may circumvent this, by

  • Open a terminal/console app
  • Execute sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine LibreOffice.app (disables integrity check)


  • Use at your own risk

  • Be absolutely sure, that your original .dmg file has not been modified (Check the checksums provided by TDF after you have downlaoded the .dmg file)

When I executed the sudo command I got a LibreOffice.app not found. There does indeed appear to be one in Applications but I was unable to find a “Quarantine” file with finder either. I am not a unix person so I cut & pasted the command in terminal…that should be OK…correct?

  • There is no Quarantine file - that’s ok - and the command above doesn’t search for one (com.apple.quarantine is the extended attribute of the LibreOffice.app directory causing the integrity check.)

  • You need to cd /Applications first and then execute the command –or – you execute sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine /Applications/LibreOffice.app

  • Pasting the command exactly as written is OK

Opaque - thank you very much. I got the app to open with the second sudo command…I guess I need to learn some UNIX.

Please consider to mark this answer as correct by clicking the checkmark (:heavy_check_mark:) next to the answer. Thanks in advance …

I fixed the same problem: The error message is poorly written. This first appeared on my windows 10 pro system using version 1903. You need to reinstall LibreOffice with Defender virus scanner disabled. You should probably remove all traces of the program first if a simple reinstall does not work.

OP is talking about Apple’s Mac OS X and there is no Apple check on Windows and Mac OS X has no Defender.