LibreOffice Base

I created a tiny LIbreOffice base database (LibreOffice version: that using a JDBC connection to a database, will execute a query. The database it’s connecting to has 500,000 records, but I’m not sure why that would be relevant since the query itself works fine.

Now, all works fine until LibreOffice Base asks me if I “want to save” on exit. I click Yes, and the program hangs (spinning beach ball on Mac OS 12.10.3).

Wondering what the issue might be or if this is a bug and looking for any possible work-around.

Thanks in advance.

  • O

Please improve your question’s title. It is much too general. The idea here is that others can search for answers. Your title should include the keywords that others might use to find answers to the question it asks. (I’m not 100% sure you with only 1 point can edit your own question. If you can’t then post a comment here, and someone will help you fix this.)

I believe the answer lies in the “save on exit” situation. This seems to do with saving table data. But your description only indicates a query. So, if you answer “No” on exit, does it shut down properly? Are you doing some type of filtering with a push button? If so, the button (typically for refresh) is possible on the wrong form.

Also be aware there have been some problems brought up in v5.3.0.3 - notably some settings within control properties missing.

The LibreOffice database has only a single query defined. There is no logic in buttons or anything else. Thus, it sounds like a bug pure and simple. On Exit when it asks if I want to save, I can’t click “Yes” or it will hang LibreOffice until I force-quit it.

Strange bug though since what I’m doing seems like a typical workflow.

The database does have 500,000 records, but, again, it’s just a query via JDBC. The data is not in LibreOffice.

Thanks for your reply.


Yes, there seems to be some sort of bug in 5.3 having to do with saving and closing.