Thanks to everyone for the replies, will deeply check the links as soon as i can!
@Lupp: yes adding “Option VBAsupport 1” to the macro make it run in LO too, but looking forward to further improvements i want a LO basic native code to avoid eventual not support VBA related trouble later.
Update 4rd april: it’s first time i can touch the macro since last post… (RL is killing my freetime) and found some links very useful (expecially pityonak guide is awesome!) and after a bit of reading and googleing i came up with this:
oSimpleFileAccess =
n = freefile()
Open CRESTlinkBuy For input As #n
Do While not eof(n) 'execute while not at the end of file (eof)'
input #n, buyquery
l = len(buyquery)
Numbers = "0123456789." 'tells to code what i`m seeking (#s including decimals)'
Value = ""
For i = 1 To l 'from first character till end of readed file chunk'
ActChar = mid(buyquery,i,1) 'mid function read each character'
' of the file chunk (buyquery)...'
If instr(Numbers,ActChar)<>0 Then Value = Value & ActChar '...and instr'
'function checks if Numbers contains then selected character, '
'if so adds it to Value variable'
position = seek(n) 'return position of cursor in opened file'
seek(n, position)
Next i
Close #n
Since json text uses commas to separate each data, i wrongly thought i could use the “input” function (that also stops reading at first comma) in conjunction with the “seek” function to move cursor within json and read next chunk of text 
Even if this is a failure i’ve learned a lot !
I didn’t check all the links you gave me, hope to have time for that soon. Thx all again