LibreOffice Calc ( - Snapping image to a cell / Horizontal and vertical centering (allignment) of an image in a cell / Set the width and height of the (merged) cell to match the width and height of the image that is inserted into it

Hello everyone!

Please advise me how I can perform the following actions:

  • How can I “snap” an image to a specific cell so that it is always within that cell? I insert an image by selecting the cell I want to insert it into, and then clicking Insert > Image, and selecting the image I want. But it’s not snapped to the cell - if I change the width of the columns, the image ends up “climbing” into neighboring cells, rather than being within the cell it was inserted into. I want the image to always be in its own cell.
  • How can I center the image horizontally and vertically so that it is in the center of the cell? When I right click on images, the “Allign” function just isn’t there. When I click on an image already loaded in LibreOffice Calc (Insert > Image) click on the “Align Objects” function in the top toolbar (View > Toolbars > Image) - the function is just inactive and I can’t use it.
  • If I insert an image into a cell that is made up of several other cells (a “merge” operation has been performed), how can I automatically adjust the height and width of that cell to match the height and width of the image?

I am interested in automatically performing all of the described actions - as accurately and quickly as possible - rather than doing them manually, like centering an image relative to a cell by moving it manually.

LibreOffice Calc version:
OS: Windows 10


The images and the “cells” (and the graphically rendered cell contents) are located on different “layers”. The only one “connection” between them is the Anchor.

And there is a graphical grid, what is not same than the cell grid. The graphical grid is located on the graphical layer. They will be appeared as small dots in front of the cells. The Snap works with the graphical grids only.

How to switch on the graphical grids:

Maybe Calc is not the right tool here. Frames or a table in Writer may be better suited, because your Image is not actually “in” the Cell, but an anchored “decoration”.
To perform this automatically I’d suggest a database-report (wich would be a Writer-table as result).

  1. Right click the image and select Fit to cell size
  2. Right click the image and select Anchor > To cell (resize with cell)

Those are both manual operations, there are no frame styles for Calc.