LibreOffice Calc adding extra closing brackets

Since I updated to I have experienced Calc adding extra closing brackets. It doesn’t happen all the time, but when it does it does a “Hotel California”; once you’re in, you cannot get out. I often have to reenter the formula via the wizard for it to be accepted.
This is a recent example. My formula is

=IF(B$8="","Straddle value + buffer")

This is what I see in Calc

=IF(B$8="","Straddle value + buffer"))

It doesn’t matter what I do to remove the extra bracket, it keeps comes back. In the cell it gives an ERR:501. In this case, if I view it in the wizard I see

"Straddle value = buffer")) )

If I remove the extraneous brackets using the wizard, they are inserted when I close the wizard.

Sometimes I experienced the same extrange behavior, but I am not sure the reason.

do you mean:

=IF(B$8="";"straddle value " & "buffer";"")


There is no need for the third argument. If B8 isn’t empty, the formula gives FALSE.

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=IF(B$8="";"straddle value " & "buffer";)

returns 0. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the replies folks, but none of them address the addition of extra parentheses.

Please test in safe mode, Menu/Help/Restart in Safe Mode

This way there is an empty third argument.

=IF(B$8="";"straddle value " & "buffer"), without the semicolon at the end returns FALSE. :slight_smile:

Can you please supply a sample of your disobedient formula?
If you can copy your spreadsheet and remove everything else except the formula cell and referenced cells then upload it here, then maybe someone else could try and see what’s happening.
After a few attempts, I managed to replicate the issue once, although not consistently from a new spreadsheet. I did set function separator to comma for this test.
CalcExtraClosingParenthesis.ods (9.3 KB)
After re-opening the file I can see an extra opening parenthesis as well making it easy to fix.

Hi EarnestAI,

I gave up on that approach, so I can’t show it to anyone.

It isn’t happening right now, but when it does I will come back to the forum.


If you can capture it, it would be best to report a bug, How to Report Bugs in LibreOffice - The Document Foundation Wiki
Cheers, Al