LibreOffice Calc - Automatically Append the data Without disturbing the Total row

I am using Ubuntu 22.04 and LibreOffice In sheet1 I will add data. I expect that data from sheet1 will be reflected in sheet2 and below that data there should be total of that data. How can I achieve it.

  • Easiest: Change the place for totals. If you have totals in first row, you may append below, as you like. It is not even necessary to have a second sheet.
  • If you put your totals in a row wide below the necessary lines you can use a filter to hide “empty” lines
  • As always: If you wish to do something not directly implemented by Calc, you(?) may write a macro
  • If you have your sheet one in a database the db-range can automatically resize to the necessary size… (and the database can also deliver the totals, if needed).
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