LibreOffice Calc CSV Wrap\Width


If i open a csv file with Calc some of the longer columns aren’t wrapped nor do i have the ability to do so, the only way i found i can make them shorter is by changing the column width but that not default.

What’s the solution to this situation?

Why are you not able to set Format ->Cells -> Tab: Alignment -> Option: Wrap text automatically?. Generally this can be done, though it makes not much sense on a flat file format like .csv. (besides you use that to save as .ods afterwards).

Like i said that doesn’t work on said column it doesn’t fold

Sigh … please, can you understand that help/solution may depend on a good problem description.


  • “It does not work, since I cannot make the setting mentioned above”


  • “I can make the setting but it does not wrap afterwards automatically”


  • “I have selected all rows, and double clicked on a row border to force an optimal row height adaption, but it does not wrap, though I made the setting mentioned in the comment.”


  • "I have selected the whole sheet using the square at the intersection of rows and columns and used Format -> Rows -> Optimal height and that doesn’t initiate the wrap, though I made the setting mentioned in the comment.


I’m sorry, i wasn’t aware it’s so unclear… (not kidding)

I can make the setting but it does not wrap afterwards automatically


If I have selected all rows, and double clicked on a row border to force an optimal row height adaption, but it does not wrap, though I made the setting mentioned in the comment

Apart from Column Width (not optimal but regular) and setting it to a low number
nothing else affects or works on the text at hand, just wanted to add it’s a generated CSV so it’s create by python if that makes any difference.

Apart from Column Width …

??? It is a matter of row height and not of column width. Try to change manually just to see whether text will be wrapped and thus setting is honored.

It should not matter in any way which application creates the file, if it is really a flat csv file.

Changing the row height works, same as as column width but it’s irrelevant here. what i have is columns and i want them all to fit the same screen so controlling rows doesn’t help me.
Sure i can do it with column width but it’s manually and i don’t understand why it doesn’t work automatically.

??? I need to assume, that you don’t actually understand what wrap means - It never, ever adjusts the column width. To wrap means: Adjust the row height to fit a text into a cell with given column width. Anything else would require an answer to: “How many wraps would you like me to insert so I can adjust the column width accordingly” and thus an input would be required.

You mean there is no Warp for columns? what if the text is so long the column is long, isn’t it warped to fit into the cell?

Please everything is said: Wrap for columns simply makes no sense. Wrap means what I wrote above. To adapt a row height so that text fits into a cell - please try to formulate a sentence like this one for what you mean. And finally you would end up in what LibreOffice does on very long line → you get very broad column. There is no function Wrap to 3 visible lines of text and adjust column width accordingly.

Yes, Warp is wrong what i’m looking for is probably AutoFit (Excel) but for LibreOffice that would be OptimalWidth? still somehow it doesn’t work
What i want is the same as

For some reason OptimalWidth adds more width instead of adjusting it, WHY…
It works on the shorter columns but not on the longer ones, i can only manually adjust them as i mentioned before.
Any other ideas?

Any updates?

  • Select the column/s and

b. Double-click right column separator in column headers (this adds 2 mm more by default).


a. Choose menu Format - Columns - Optimal Width… (can uncheck Defalut value, and set Add: to 0).

The same is said at LibreOffice Help on Optimal Column Width.

If you select a cell or a few cells in the column, the width will adjust to these cell/s. If there is a cell with multiple spaces after the visible cell content, this will affect the total width.

You can add the button Optimal Column Width to the Format toolbar.

Tested with LibreOffice (x86); OS: Windows 6.1.

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