LibreOffice Calc hanging when jumping to last row

Hi all, good to be joining the community!

I use the hotkey CRTL+DOWN to jump to the last row of data quite a bit. Unfortunately, it is just one more button press to jump beyond the last row of data to the last row of the spreadsheet (row 1048575) by mistake. When this happens it causes LibreOffice to hang on a spreadsheet I am working on. I have been trying to press CTRL+HOME to get back to the first cell in the spreadsheet. Sometimes this works, but usually I have to force quit the whole program and reopen the spreadsheet.

Any suggestions on how to recover in this situation? Is there a way to disable jumping from the last row/column of a data to the last row of the spreadsheet?

LibreOffice Version: (x64)
CPU threads: 4; OS: Windows 10.0; UI render: default; VCL: win;

In an empty document, you will likely not have that problem. What does that mean? it means that the problem is most likely dependent on specific data in your document. Which in turn means that you need to provide a sample data with the problem to allow others to see that - possibly even file a performance bug with that sample.

Thanks @Mike2, I will aim to submit a performance bug report when I get a chance to make a sample file to share

I have submitted a bug report, at @Mike2’s recommendation, here: Please check it out and let me know if you also get a bug on Windows!

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