LibreOffice Calc, Solved: Many columns and many rows in same line in the chart?

Very easy to add some values from columns in one line as well as rows.
I have number values in several columns and 4 rows.
How can I add in the one line in the chart?
Now it shows 4 lines.

Can you edit your question and explain a bit more what do you expect?

In my screenshot, values are taken column after column.

Wau! It is possible.Thank you.
I try to copy your Y-values, but not got this.
Can you send to me your Office file?
(e-mail address deleted to avoid spam)

many-columns-and-many-rows_LeroyG.ods (26.4 KB)

Now I can see that there is no need for the first column, nor to repeat the “b” heading.

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Thank you! Now I found it.
I can also select now even rows 2, 4, 6, 8 to columns AH and get all data & chart on one landscape A4 paper :wink:

so cool!