Dear all !
My problem is : I’m in LibreOffice Calc. I want to plot (x-y plot) the value from column A in function of column B. As these two columns are appended each days by new lines, I don’t want to update the x-range and y-range values each days. So I put try to put in these two field A1:A10000 and B1:B10000, even if these two column are currently filled with only 500 values. The problem is that it’s seems that LibreOffice Calc autmoatically update the values of these two field, and adjust these to the exactly size of the filled column. When I log off, my 10000 value is changed to 500, and I have to do the job again and agin.
I have tried an anohter method (use concatenate function to auomaticaly edit in a cell the string “A1:A500”, but didn’t find the way to send this information on the field X-range of the figure. It’s seem that Libre office calc reject me each time I try to put a function (indirect, index or else… ), by showing red color in the field and I cannot click on “ok”.
Could Someone find a solution to this ! ?? ( LibreOffice