LibreOffice Calc - zero values

I need to print/export to pdf with visible zero values in cells. I couldn’t find the solution.

I’m using LibreOffice Calc version under Ubuntu (linux).

I have configured my spreadsheet to always show zeros as blanks. However, in a small number of selected cells, I want zeros to be explicitly shown.

Is there a way to format individual cells to override the default “hide if zero” behavior? I can’t find any way to do this.

Thank you very much.

Original answer has been deleted -

Format - Page - Sheet -Zero values

image description

this answer solves to hide or not zero values in the outprint … in the whole output! … but the question was

‘I have configured my spreadsheet to always show zeros as blanks. However, in a small number of selected cells, I want zeros to be explicitly shown.’ that reads for me 'some but not all zero values should be printed.

thus besides being helpful the answer is not a solution to the OP’s question.

