I have created a Service which accepts .rtf file and converts it to .pdf and sends it back.
I have used following two solutions,
Calling it Directly
sh /opt/libreoffice5.0/program/soffice --headless --convert-to pdf /opt/libreoffice5.0/program/sample.rtf -
Start Libre as a service and making a call by unoconv
i. soffice --nologo --headless --nofirststartwizard --accept=‘socket,host=,port=2220,tcpNoDelay=1;urp’
ii. unoconv --connection ‘socket,host=,port=2220,tcpNoDelay=1;urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext’ -f pdf <filename.rtf>
but none of them is performing well as a Web Service.
LibreService gets crashed after 5 concurrent Requests.
I want to Optimize it at least upto 50.
Thnak You.