LibreOffice displays Courier Screenplay in permanent italics?

I’ve been trying to find a way around this for a while now - essentially, LibreOffice (Writer, Draw, seemingly everything) displays the font “Courier Screenplay” in italics, even if italics are not selected, and even with the default paragraph style.

This doesn’t seem to happen with any other font, and it doesn’t happen with any other program on my PC with that particular font.

I’m really unsure what to do, I’ve tried reinstalling LibreOffice several times, I’ve tried reinstalling the font several times, I’ve tried an older version of LibreOffice, all the same result.

What’s weirder is that if I specifically uninstall the italic style of Courier Screenplay, it displays Regular just fine, but the moment I install Italic LibreOffice seems convinced that’s the Regular style.

I’m using LibreOffice version on Windows 10.

Where you got that font from? That is not the part of the LO installer, nor the Windows (10) installer.

Note that the italics one is with serifs and the regular one is sans serif. Do you happen to have two “Courier Screenplay” fonts installed and they somehow conflict or contradict each other?

Where you got that font from?

I purchased a piece of screenwriting software called “Fade In” which came with two fonts - “Courier Screenplay” and “Courier Prime”. (Courier Prime works just fine in LibreOffice)

Do you happen to have two “Courier Screenplay” fonts installed and they somehow conflict or contradict each other?

Not as far as I can tell, just the one - I’ve checked everything I can think to check and I can only find that one version of it installed

Is the font publicly available to inspect?

In the “Extras” section there is a download link to both Courier Screenplay and Courier Prime.

Nothing obvious (but I’m no font expert either), OS/2 style maps and TTF “Styles (SubFamily)” names are Regular and Italic as they should be. I can only say that from your screenshot the sans serif Regular font is not CourierScreenplay as that comes with serifs only, and neither CourierPrime. As Courier should be. Likely some fallback font, Arial or so.
Best submit a bug and report it back here with the resulting bug number in the form tdf#123456.