Libreoffice Draw - Glue Points in Grouped Objects


I am running Libreoffice on Devuan Chimera (Debain 11 w/o systemd equivalent).
I am created several diagrams using some VRT objects. I order to add additional glue points I create a simple rectangle around the object and grouped the object witht he retangle. I seem to be able create glue points, however they never remain visible. I can add connectors to them, however I have to remember where they are placed to connect as they are not visible.

What do I need to do / enable to keep the glue points visible.?

Kind Regards

You must select an existing connector or click on the Connector icon in the Drawing toolbar to see the glue dots.


Thanks for your reply, however, I do that and it works on a single, simple object. As soon as it become part of another object in a group, this no longer works. I just found that if I enter the group, select the item that I added the glue point, they work as described, it just does not work as a group.