LibreOffice Draw: Shapes properties are not updated. Length and width in white

LibreOffice Draw: Shapes properties are not updated. Length and width in white

I am making a flowchart, when I want to see what size the figure is in its length or width it simply appears in White

LibreOffice Draw: Figuras las propiedades no se actualizan. Largo y ancho en blanco

Me encuentro haciendo un flujograma, al momento en que quiero ver que tamaño tiene la figura en su largo u ancho simplemente me aparece en Blanco

The properties are updated, you can see the size in the Status bar at the bottom of your image.

Try opening LibreOffice in Safe mode, Help > Restart in safe mode > Continue in Safe mode to see if the size is visible in the Sidebar. If it is visible, then you might consider resetting your profile or one of the other steps in First steps to take before submitting a bug - The Document Foundation Wiki

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Gracias por su tiempo, te comento que es como que aparece en blanco dichas casillas pero luego de varios clics ya nuevamente aparecen los valores, como si no se actualizara bien. Me gustaría, ya que soy nuevo en esto, mostrarle pequeños detaller que hacen que la experiencia de usuario no dea comoda sino dispendiosa.

Thank you for your time, I tell you that it is like these boxes appear blank but after several clicks the values appear again, as if it did not update well. I would like, since I am new to this, to show you small workshop that make the user experience not comfortable but wasteful.