LibreOffice freeze and crash upon changing Writer document window size


This post is not a Question that needs an Answer like “how to do this or that in Libreoffice”, but more like a suspected bug. So maybe just point me to the right place so I can pursue it properly. I was not able to find an existing discussion or topic on this subject. But if there is one that already exists, please point me to it so it is not a duplicate of something that is already there.

LO freezes and stops responding (need to Force Quit) when I move Writer document windows around on my screen (which is a 4K external display connected via usb cable) and resize the windows.

I do have an app called “better snap tool” which identifies pre-defined areas on my display as places where I want windows to be placed/moved and resized to. I can use the display sides as triggers to resize and move the window or I can use shortcut keys to trigger the move and resize to a particular pre-defined area.

This crash behaviour only occurs with Libre Office and with no other apps that I use.

I’m on Sonoma 14.1 - Mac OS X and LO Actually, you can see all details of my system in the error log file that was generated upon LO crashing : LibreOffice crash upon changing Writer document window size.log - Google Drive

I’ve made a screencast of the behaviour. It’s a bit long because I can reproduce whatever generates the crash, but it’s a bit random. I’m not exactly sure what provokes it or what precise steps generates it.

Screencast: Libreoffice freezes writer windows - Google Drive

Is there anyone who has experienced this behaviour? Anything I can change in my configuration in order to avoid it?

Tks for all the help in advance!


did you get a Crash Report ?

upgrade ?
then The very first step: reproduce bug using latest fresh/still version

I can confirm this! I have an Apple M2 Pro with OS X running 14.7. If I use LibreOffice on my external display via an USB-C adapter then after some time my OS X HARD CRASHES! I have to force turn off the Macbook and restart the entire OS.

In about seven years, I never see such issue on Windows with an external display via an USB-C adapter