Libreoffice freeze when trying to open Tools>Options on linux


When I’m trying to open tools>options, libreoffice freezes for no apparent reason.

I’m using fedora linux 40 Workstation on wayland on a framework laptop 13 (AMD cpu).

This bug also happened on fedora 39, and I tried installing libreoffice as an rpm, and a flatpak (flathub), and the issue is still there. It happens in all libreoffice apps.

Opening libreoffice in safe mode and deleting user config doesnt appear to do anything. When launched from the command line, libreoffice does not print anything but "failed to open display’

Other than this problem, libreoffice works normally.

Thanks for answers.

Which desktop manager? Gnome, KDE Plasma, …
Wayland causes problems on my Fedora 40 KDE Plasma with an nVidia GPU but this is not specific to LO.
Does it still happen when you restart in safe mode? How did you “delete user config”? Manually deleting ~/.config/libreoffice or using LO?

Which desktop manager? Gnome, KDE Plasma, …

Its fedora workstation, so this is gnome

Does it still happen when you restart in safe mode?

Yes, it does

How did you “delete user config”?

I deleted manually, and then using libreoffice

what version of LO ? :thinking:

can you try in command line to see if there’s any log before the freeze ?
does LO uses CPU ?

Start LO from the command line, call the options dialog and look out for “last words” on terminal.
Can you try with X11 instead of Wayland?
There is a good chance that the problem goes away when you start the program like this:
SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gen libreoffice24.2 which starts LibreOffice with its native widgets, disregarding GTK. GTK and LIbreOffice are not perfectly compatible to each other.

24.2, but it also happened with the older version from fedora 39

There is no log, and LO does not use CPU

On X11, LO does not open a window

Thanks, but it does not work, there is still the freeze.

There is no log on the terminal other than “Cant open display”. Maybe you know if there is an option to enable verbose logging ?

Which, if any, of the Skia options are activated? You might try playing with them. Some graphics chips still cause issues when Skia is activated.