Hi, I have got that bug with LibreOffice hanging at start-up (see image). Windows 11 plenty of RAM, latest 24.2 version, and whatever. It has been around for a couple of years and I was always expecting the next update would fix it but no. It happens the first time I click on a libreOffice file (be it a writer, calc or whatever one). I have to abort the start and the second time I click on file libre Office opens correctly. Am I the only one ?
Have you ever tried to rename your profile folder? Because every “next update” keeps your profile, and any problems inside the profile are kept also.
Please note: I wrote rename, so you may recover items from your profile (like user dictionary or macros), if necessary.
Further information on user profile is at LibreOffice user profile - The Document Foundation Wiki
Read it carefully, it contains a lot of useful information.
Seems to be working so far. Many thanks !
Ooups ! No, after a computer reboot I can say a fresh profile does NOT solve this issue.
Reminds me of a bug where TheBat is blocking first start of LO:
This is it ! I have The Bat starting at system boot before LibreOffice ; the problem doesn’t happen when The Bat is closed before first launch of LO.
Thanks for pointing me to this ; I report both toe LO bugzilla and to Ritlabs.