LibreOffice how do I fix autocalc/autocorrect/autofill

Problem No. 1 office doesn’t auto update (recalculate based on what you type in):

A1= 2 B1=2 C1=2 D1=sum(A1:C1) or “6”
delete cell A1 and D1 still = “6”

2.) I’m slowly making a list with shifting values, for top least valuable to bottom more value.
So I shift A1:C1 down… and…
D1=(A2:C2) or “6”… when it should be zero… it tracks those 3 cells I’m moving around… I don’t want it to.

First: did you accidentally format cells as text? If you did, numbers will still be right aligned but formula will not recalculate. What are you trying to accomplish with formula =(A2:C2)? Are you summing in D1 rage from A2 to C2?

For first, are you accidentally formated cells as text? If you did, numbers will still be right aligned but formula will not recalculate. What are you trying to accomplish with formula =(A2:C2)?

calculation works fine with,

more complex calculations sometimes fail in auto recalculation,

D1 still referencing A2:C2 after move depends on the steps you take,

normally a formula cell should keep it’s references as long as it makes sense and is technically possible,

if you want to trick it out consider inserting a row 1, copy! D2 to D1, and then delete D2,

plenty other ways are possible, ‘move’, ‘cut and paste’ and similar will more likely keep the original reference, while ‘copy and paste’ and similar produces a new reference in similar relation to copy target as it’s been to copy source,
