Hi all,
I am trying to install LibreOffice on the Linux Console of Amazon. I have installed LibreOffice 6.0 using wget command without problems then I followed these instructions:
Install and configure LibreOffice-4 Amazon Ec2 Instance (Amazon Linux) – Dharmdip's Blog to get to the headless version
I also tried this
Install LibreOffice 6.0.4 in RHEL/CentOS/Fedora and Debian/Ubuntu/Linux Mint to install the “normal version”
Whenever I try to run the command libreoffice6.0 the console responds “failed to open display” and nothing happens anymore.
When I try to run the command soffice the console responds: -bash: soffice: command not found
I would like to connect to LibreofficeBase and possibly use the GUI.
I am connecting to the Linux Instance via ssh.
Can Anybody please help?