Libreoffice is very slow and runs with priority below normal

Libreoffice - especially Calc - is very slow on my Thinkpad P52 workstation - which is not slow at all. And I noticed that the soffice.exe and soffice.bin run with priority below normal. Why doesn’t Libreoffice run with normal priority?
But even if I set the priority up in the Windows task manager Calc is very slow with large spreadsheets.
Are there any settings that help to speed up Libreoffice?

Windows 11 Professional 64 bit

Do you have a process manager installed, perhaps for gaming? I don’t know of any scenario where LibreOffice would be set to below normal by default, so I presume it has been manually altered on that PC (either by a process manager, or by editing the registry).

I neither use a process manager nor have edited the registry.
And even with setting the priority to normal or above normal with the Windows task manager Calc is very slow.
Where can one manage the priority in the registry? I could have a look there.

Edit: I see that some other programs (e.g. Excel, Word, FreeCommander) run with lower priority level also. Is there a Windows setting that might do that?
These other programs are not so slow as Calc.

Please test in safe mode, Menu/Help/Restart in Safe Mode

how slow ?
doin’ what ?

how large ?

mem size of your calc process ?

Ordinarily you don’t change process priorities as your PC is perfectly capable of managing resources efficiently. Also I wouldn’t go changing things in the registry unless you really know what you’re doing (Hint: if you’re asking you don’t know enough to be messing with it). I mentioned it because that’s generally the only way processes priorities get changed. Does anyone else use this PC?

If you’re reporting other apps have the same priority then it is likely your system managing resources appropriately, and you should look elsewhere.

Can you describe what exactly is very slow? What are you doing and what are you comparing it to? Are calculations slow, or the GUI interface, or something else?