I am using LibrOffice to create a company operating manual. I created an H1 header for each topic and then had LO create the master, and the approximately 700 sub documents. All went well, however I needed to rename the subdocuments so I could more easily identify the section or chapter topic when viewing the navigator or the list in Windows Explorer.
I do my work in Windows Explorer rather than LO as it requires fewer clicks of the mouse, and 700 is a lot of files to rename. My process is to open the .odt file, copy the H1 section title, and then close the file. Next I use F2 in Windows Explorer to go into the rename mode and paste my H1 title in as the new name.
Usually this is no problem, however today, as I try to rename the files through Windows Explorer, LibreOffice has begun to “lock up” after as few as two renames and I am unable to continue my process until I reboot my laptop as that seems to be the only way to clear LO from memory.
Is this a normal occurrence or is there a fix I can apply so I can complete my task in less than seven months?