Libreoffice on HP 14 Chromebook - grey and pixelated toolbars

I have installed Libreoffice on my Acer Chromebook 14. Using Writer it’s fine for typing. However, as I hope you can see from the image, the icons are almost entirely a fuzzy grey, can’t work most of them out. Also the bar with File, Edit etc is tiny. I’ve adjusted the size of the icons but it just makes them bigger and fuzzier. Finally the vertical line that shows you were you are is invisible. Even on booting up the logo is pixelated. Is there anything I can do or is it just the way things are? I’ve already tried uninstalling and re-installing.

Please provide information as per Help -> About LibreOffice and if set, try to disable OpenGL in Tools -> Options -> LibreOffice -> View -> Category: Graphics Output -> Option: [ ] Use OpenGL for all rendering and check whether that fixes your problem

Thanks - the “open gl” was already disabled. Here’s the information -

Build ID: 1:6.1.5-3+deb10u6
CPU threads: 2; OS: Linux 4.19; UI render: default; VCL: x11;
Locale: en-US (en_US.UTF-8); Calc: group threaded

VCL: x11

Seems you miss the proper gtk3 support. Not familiar with Chrome OS (since I got no virtualbox image for that), but you should have a file called libreoffice....gtk3....deb. Try to install that.

Thanks again.
No idea how I’d do that on my Chromebook - any suggestions?

As said above Chrome OS isn’t (easy) available for virtualbox and therefore I can’t tell how that works on a Chromebook (and I won’t buy one just to answer questions regarding ChromeOS ;-)). But you installed LibreOffice, so I assume(d) you know how to install .deb packages on your OS. Where did you get LibreOffice from? Is there some kind of a “Google Store for Chrome OS” app store, where you got it from?

> I have installed Libreoffice on my Acer Chromebook 14

How did you do that?